That used to be me.

When I reached a glass ceiling in my corporate career, feeling unfulfilled and like I was no longer making a real difference, I KNEW with every ounce of my being that it was time to make a change.

Despite what my intuition was telling me I chose not to act on that guidance because I thought it wasn’t the right time.

As it turned out there was never “the right time”. The truth is that I was creating excuses not to make a move because I was scared to take action unless I thought it was a sure thing. That was my mind trying to keep me “safe”.

We all know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result, right?

Fast forward 2 years later and I was still in the same place, unfulfilled and not making the bigger impact I wanted in the world.

It was then that the pain of where I was exceeded my fear of change. That was when I started making decisions based on whom I wanted to BE, not who I was then.

✅ I allowed my intuition to jump back into the driver’s seat of my life.

✅ I set an intention declaring that I would do what lights me up inside while making a bigger impact in the world NO MATTER WHAT it took to get there.

✅ I got honest with myself about what was holding me back and I started aligning my thoughts, emotions, and actions with whom I wanted to be, not who I was.

✅ I allowed myself the willingness to move forward despite not having all the answers. I started listening to my heart.

✅ THE MOST important thing I did was hire a spiritual teacher and coach because I knew that investing in support from those who could hold space for me to expand and achieve my goals would get me to where I wanted to be in a lot less time than if I tried to figure it out on my own.

There is never a right time for change. When you feel guided, THAT is the time.

You’re a leader and you didn’t make it this far in life by shrinking back from what you want, right? You went after it.

You’ve always challenged the status quo and this time is no different.

What IS different about this time is that our world is shifting into a higher level of consciousness and those you’re meant to serve need your vision and your leadership NOW. Your purpose is much bigger than you.

👉If you’re ready to bet on yourself and go all-in on a life that lights you up and that creates a ripple effect inspiring others to do the same, let’s talk.

Schedule a free Clarity Call with me here and let’s start a conversation.

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